Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My practical experience


When I finish my career I would like to do my practical experience in the psychiatric hospital because I would like to work with patients who are serious. But if I think about my practical experience now, I wouldn’t like to make it quickly, because I am afraid of that.

A psychiatric hospital is a hospital specializing in the treatment of serious mental illness, usually for relatively long-term inpatients, If I want to work there I need to know about clinical psychology, this subject of psychology includes the scientific study and application of psychology for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically-based distress or dysfunction and to promote subjective well-being and personal development.

After of that I want to do a “postgrado”, but I don’t know in what area for the moment, because I like clinical psychology and forensic psychology. I like forensic psychology because it is interesting, besides we have to work with people who are also in jail and with people who have been victims of a crime. Also it is one area of psychology that is new and without a lot of history.
BYE..... see you

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Today I’m going to write about my hobbies. One of my favorite’s hobbies is play basketball, I play basketball here in the university, and also I played in the school. This sport take me a lot of time, because I have to go training 4 times a week and besides one day a week I have a game. I like to do this hobby because it relaxes me and is fun for me.

Other thing that I like is listening to music, the kind of music that I like is “reguetton”, I am talking about music for dancing, and I listen to other kinds of music too, but I hate metal music, I can´t find it good or pleasant.

And also, I like to watch movies with my family or with my friends, I like every kind of movies, but my favorites are thrillers and action films. Well… this hobby cost me lot of money, because go to the cinema is very expensive.

See you…


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Well I can’t say much about this subject because I'm from puerto varas and I arrive here in 2007 and in that years the transantiago was starting to run. But this is what the people told me about the “yellow buses”.

Before: yellow buses were better than transantiago because it had many more runs and the people only have to take one bus to reach its destination. But also those buses were very dirty and polluted. People were really unsafe to be inside a yellow bus. The thefts were a thing of every day. The drivers stopped where they wanted and sometimes didn’t stop. The yellow buses were not delayed, but the service was bad.

After: Now the buses are more big and with more space than the yellow buses. In the beginning were clean but now are just as dirty as the yellow buses. Also are very few seats and misplaced. The good thing is that these buses stop at where they have to stop and the drivers have to stop the bus first and then we can get off, not like the yellow buses.

Some changes that I would make are: one thing is that the buses have more seats, and the second I would put more buses for the people.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Experiences during the first semester of 2009

The relevant things that I learned and studied during the first semester of 2009 were about of the different fields of psychology, for example, we learned something about community psychology, clinical psychology, legal psychology, occupational psychology and educational psychology. And also I learned more about the second language. The subject that I liked the most was legal psychology and clinical psychology.

In my free time during the first semester I played basketball three times a week, also I went out with my friends and family, and in addition I had to read a lot for the university and study too. Last semester I went a Puerto Varas to visit my dad for a week, because he lives there. Also one weekend I went to ViƱa del Mar with some friends. And the other thing that I did was to see a lot of movies.

The challenge that I had to face was the subject about educational psychology, because I hate going to that class and also I had to get up early every Thursday to make this class, and it lasted about 5 hours and I always tried to miss it because I didn’t like it.
see you...katarina

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My blogging experience

Hellooo… ¿How are you? Today I’m going to write about my blogging experience this semester…
My blogging experience has been good, because I can write in English and this has helped me to learn how to write a little more in this language and it is fun because we can communicate with our classmate. And this is less stressful than being in class. So I enjoy it so much. But also
I think that maybe for other time we could discuss topics more interesting and not just talk about the university or the career. For example, talk about sports or television programs (¿Where is Elisa? Je je) or favorite movies and also we could talk about music.
This experience helps me to improve my English because I had to write a lot and use words that I don`t use very often. So the experience was good but also very difficult. But that help you to learn more and use the words correctly.
The advantages of blogging in the English class were: first we could learn to write in English, we had the opportunity to learn or improve the grammar, and also hear things in English and then write that it was. Second, use the blog is something new for me because before I never had blog, so also I learn about de blog.
And the disadvantages of blogging in the English class were: talk always about our career or topics that are not interesting for me. And the second disadvantages are that not always I like to write in English, so it is very difficult for me write when I’m not inspired. And also sometimes I’m very tired because I have classes all morning.
Well that's all for today, have a good weekend… see you and smile!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Legal Psychology

Hellooo…today I’m going to write about one of my favorite subjects in my career…

This semester my favorite subject is Legal psychology and the teacher is Carolina Villagra. I like it because it is interesting, besides we have to work with people who are also in jail and with people who have been victims of a crime. Also is one area of psychology that is new and without a lot of history.

What I like more was making practical steps, which we had to go to court, and it was very entertaining and we can see how they work there and what are the procedures to follow in case of an allegation of a crime.

This semester in this subject I learned many things: the history of legal psychology, the most important exponents in this subject, and the theories of crime. Also we were talking about the victims of a crime and their rights also saw the crime rate in chile.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My future

In five years from now, I hope to be alive :) and of course have ended my career, and also I want to do a “postgrado”, but I don’t know in what area for the moment.

I want to live in other country, maybe in Spain or in other country but in Europe, I hope, in seven years form now have children and live with them, I don’t know how many children I want to have, but I think 2 or 3 it is ok. I want to work there (in Spain), but also I want to have enough time for my children.

In the future, I want to have a good relationship with the people I care about today and I hope to keep in touch with my best friends and also of course with my family.

I don’t have an ideal future, I think the most important thing is to be happy and do what you like. And try to maintain good relationships with people you care.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


This photo was taken by me in Brazil, Florianopolis. I went there the last summer with my best friends from school, we were in total four, we stayed there 15 days and we crossed fed up places, and beaches.
This picture shows a beach called Barra de Lagoa, me and my friends stayed there in a hostel called pousada do canal, It was very comfortable and very beautiful. We went there because we wanted a quiet place, but with beaches and young people and I like the place because the same reason.
There we met Chilean’s people and we stayed the most part of the days with them; also we met other people from Argentina, Uruguay and of course from Brazil. The most part of the day we went to beaches and we were in the sun.
Finally, I would love to return there, because it is a beautiful city and with my friends it was very funny and I have a great time with them.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


http://www.asociacionpsicologiajuridica.cl/, I like this website because it is about Forensic Psychology and this is one of my favorite classes. I found this page, one day when I had to do a work for the university and this page helped me so much to do it. I visit this website every week, because there are articles of my interest.

In this website we can find articles, magazines, photos, also updated news in relation to this subject. In addition, we can see the activities that are being made, also mails of psychologists and we can have contact with them to consult about the subject, doubts, etc. Also we can learn more about the history of forensic psychology, its goals and profits in Chile.

I recommend to visit this page because it is very useful and complete. In addition it is
useful, we can find what we need, and links that can help even more.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Say What it is
This is a iphone

When you got it
I got it in my birthday the last year
How you use it
I use with my finger, because I touch and then I search some people to call it.

How often you use it
Every day, because it is a cellphone

Why you like it
I like it because I can call people, also I can listening music, and have internet.

What life would be like without it.
The same life, but without a cellphone

Thursday, March 26, 2009


My name is katarina, I am studing Psychology in Universidad de Chile, I'm in level 3 of english. I like English because it is the principal language of the world. I have more skills with listening and reading, and worst skills speaking and writing, I prefer to listen to music in this language more than in Spanish. I always had english class in my college, but for me it is too difficult to speak english because of the verbs, I always forget them