Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Today I’m going to write about my hobbies. One of my favorite’s hobbies is play basketball, I play basketball here in the university, and also I played in the school. This sport take me a lot of time, because I have to go training 4 times a week and besides one day a week I have a game. I like to do this hobby because it relaxes me and is fun for me.

Other thing that I like is listening to music, the kind of music that I like is “reguetton”, I am talking about music for dancing, and I listen to other kinds of music too, but I hate metal music, I can´t find it good or pleasant.

And also, I like to watch movies with my family or with my friends, I like every kind of movies, but my favorites are thrillers and action films. Well… this hobby cost me lot of money, because go to the cinema is very expensive.

See you…


1 comment:

  1. Good response Katarina,

    I never played much basketball, but I always followed our team from Cleveland, the CLeveland CAvs. They have never won a championship, but as we say, there is "always next year." Right now, they have the best player in the country, Lebron James. We will see what happens.

    Anyway, here are some grammar comments:

    --"favorites hobbies" should be favorite. Adjectives never take an -s.

    --"school" should be high school, to be more specific

    --"this sport take me..." should be TAKES, because the word "sport" is third person singular

    --"Other thing" should be ANOTHER thing because thing is singular. "Other" is for plural nouns.

    --"hobby cost" should be "costs". Like SPORT, it is third person singular.

    Take care

