Thursday, June 18, 2009

My blogging experience

Hellooo… ¿How are you? Today I’m going to write about my blogging experience this semester…
My blogging experience has been good, because I can write in English and this has helped me to learn how to write a little more in this language and it is fun because we can communicate with our classmate. And this is less stressful than being in class. So I enjoy it so much. But also
I think that maybe for other time we could discuss topics more interesting and not just talk about the university or the career. For example, talk about sports or television programs (¿Where is Elisa? Je je) or favorite movies and also we could talk about music.
This experience helps me to improve my English because I had to write a lot and use words that I don`t use very often. So the experience was good but also very difficult. But that help you to learn more and use the words correctly.
The advantages of blogging in the English class were: first we could learn to write in English, we had the opportunity to learn or improve the grammar, and also hear things in English and then write that it was. Second, use the blog is something new for me because before I never had blog, so also I learn about de blog.
And the disadvantages of blogging in the English class were: talk always about our career or topics that are not interesting for me. And the second disadvantages are that not always I like to write in English, so it is very difficult for me write when I’m not inspired. And also sometimes I’m very tired because I have classes all morning.
Well that's all for today, have a good weekend… see you and smile!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Legal Psychology

Hellooo…today I’m going to write about one of my favorite subjects in my career…

This semester my favorite subject is Legal psychology and the teacher is Carolina Villagra. I like it because it is interesting, besides we have to work with people who are also in jail and with people who have been victims of a crime. Also is one area of psychology that is new and without a lot of history.

What I like more was making practical steps, which we had to go to court, and it was very entertaining and we can see how they work there and what are the procedures to follow in case of an allegation of a crime.

This semester in this subject I learned many things: the history of legal psychology, the most important exponents in this subject, and the theories of crime. Also we were talking about the victims of a crime and their rights also saw the crime rate in chile.